I agree, Todd. Thank you!

Todd VanDerWerff from AV Club makes a thorough and well-thought out argument for ABC Family to just renew Bunheads already.

My favorite part:

“…the best argument to make at this point is the qualitative one: This show is so good that ABC Family should renew it simply on those grounds. TV history is littered with one-season wonders, but it’s got even more shows that started out slowly in season one and were renewed by gutsy network execs who either really liked the show or saw the potential for growth in it, against all odds. Some—CheersSeinfeldGilmore Girls—went on to be hits for their networks, while some—Better Off TedBoomtownEnlightened—didn’t manage that trick. But all of those shows and many more that made it to unlikely second seasons have something in common: They made the qualitative argument first, giving them more time to make the quantitative one.”

Yes, exactly. Thank you. I cannot agree with this enough.

An Open Letter to ABC Family: Please don’t kill ‘Bunheads’

Just submitted this on the ABC Family site using their contact form. I’m also working on a write-up of the show. Coming soon!

Dear ABC Family,

I’m not usually one to beg, but I will gladly do that and more to save my favorite show on TV right now (well, recently concluded), ‘Bunheads.’ Amy Sherman-Palladino has a rabidly loyal following, which you may have already discovered (and if you haven’t, check out the comments section in the AV Club’s TV Classics coverage of ‘Gilmore Girls’), and her fans will not desert the show—so thrilled will they be to see it come back.

I love so many things about the show:
– That it’s a show about ballet with real dancers who can act that’s not a musical, straight comedy, or reality competition format. And the dance numbers are gorgeous and original.
– The lightness. Which stands in stark contrast to a lot of teen (and adult) fare in the TV universe these days.
– The way it tackles female relationships in an authentic way. I can’t think of another show that is quite as successful as ‘Bunheads’ in doing this.

‘Bunheads’ looks and sounds different than any other show on your network, or on TV, for that matter; and you would break many hearts, including mine, if you pulled this show off the air. Please don’t do it! Give the show a second season.

A hopeful fan